New day. Clean slate.

In my house, February is quite a month. In the span of five days, we celebrated Cate's 4th birthday (she got earrings!), Valentine's Day, and Dillon's 10th birthday. I'm still recovering. 

I'm also still processing how a growing family marks the passing of time. Days inch along and then suddenly you're watching your hands stick 10 candles (plus one to grow on) in a birthday cake. And listening to yourself tell the story that starts with "Ten years ago today...". 

What's surprising to me is how—ten years later—I still struggle to not feel overwhelmed by the demands of the day. Routines bring a sense of ease, but quite often, those routines are interrupted. I establish a routine that works and I'm all woo hoo! I got this! and then a few months later, it's a new season, a new stage of development, a new set of circumstances. You figure out what works, and then it doesn't work anymore. Awesome. 

Ten years later, I realize that motherhood is a constant letting go of things. Letting go, over and over, so you can get to what's meaningful and important. (Tweet that)

Angie Mizzell

I write about motherhood, writing, redefining success, and living a life that feels like home.

Spring is here and I have nothing to wear!


As simple as that