This is my message to you (ou-ou)

I slid H's 2011 Mix into the CD player in my car. H and my son have been friends for more than half their lives, and the compilation was a party favor for guests attending H's 5th birthday. H is adorable, and cool.

The next thing I know, my son's in the backseat, channeling his inner-Broadway-musical-self. "Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring Bananaphone." He belts out the tune, making expressive eyes at his little brother.

"Bananaaaaaphhoooonneee." Jazz hands and everything.

"Dillon, how do you know this song?" It's the first time we'd played H's mix.

"It's H's song! We sing this in school all the time." What a refreshing change, since the Cars soundtrack has been on rotation in my car for three years now. I'll take the bananaphone any day.

When we came to the third track, my eyes filled with tears. It's a song the grown-ups in the room can appreciate, but to hear it come out of the mouth of a child... well, it puts it all in perspective.

Don't worry... about a thing. 'Cause every little thing... gonna be alright.

I kept my face turned straight ahead. My son wouldn't understand I was crying happy tears. He wouldn't understand how much I needed to hear that.

What let's you know everything's gonna be alright?

Angie Mizzell

I write about motherhood, writing, redefining success, and living a life that feels like home.

A note from me to you

