My very most favorite things

My kids. Chai latte. Brand new journals. Books. On the last day of summer vacation, my kids wanted to go to the bookstore. (The key to my heart, people) For years Dillon called it The Storybookstore, until he learned to read. "Why does it say Barnes and Noble?" he asked, staring at the storefront in disbelief. Blake still calls it The Storybookstore, or the abbreviated version, Storybooks. I never correct him. I want my children to hold onto "story" and it's incredible power, for as long as they want to. Forever would be fine with me. 

This is the final post in the August series, Awakening.  

Angie Mizzell

I write about motherhood, writing, redefining success, and living a life that feels like home.

The way out


We don't want to give them back