Please, don't be our guest

At my house, dinnertime is a flipping nightmare. The chaos is caused by the usual suspects: 

Recent passport photos could pass for mug shots, and many times I wish I could have these three arrested for disorderly conduct. Just until I'm finished cooking. And maybe until after I've had a chance to sit down with my husband and eat in peace. 

The little one is the ring leader.  

In the surveillance video below, she's wearing mismatched pajamas. The middle one is wearing nothing but his Fruit of the Looms. I'm not sure what my husband is doing, but I think he's texting and making the oldest an ice cream cone.  

Since I can't jail them, I make them dance for their dessert. I stopped the video moments before the boy in his underwear started twerking.

When dinnertime is a nightmare, you dance. From

Angie Mizzell

I write about motherhood, writing, redefining success, and living a life that feels like home.

Thoughts on 39.


The best stories are the ones you can't repeat