More Good. Less Grind.

A few years ago, my friend Abby and I launched a joint photo project on Instagram. The mission, to notice and document the good in the midst of the daily grind. A project like that is fun when things are going well. On the darker days, it was much more challenging. But typically, each time I felt like "I just can't post today," something good would reveal itself.

That's what happens when you make a point to notice the good things. Focusing on what's good doesn't make the bad things go away, it simply points us back towards the light.

Abby wrote an essay on what we learned during our "More Good, Less Grind" project, and today it was published at Sweatpants & Coffee. Being the gifted writer that she is, Abby sums it up well.

The project lives on through the hashtag we created #moregoodlessgrind. We hope you’ll join us on our journey to notice and document the good. It makes all the difference.


Our collective new normal


What I know now