Adjusting to this new space

This week, my kids are on spring break. Our school district began distance learning right away when schools closed three weeks ago, which was a lot for students, teachers, and parents to adjust to. So everyone’s happy to be unplugged from assignments this week.

Our family didn’t have any big plans for spring break. In our pre-pandemic life, my husband was scheduled to be out of town, I had been called to jury duty, and my daughter had her state gymnastics meet. And I was trying to figure out all of the logistics.

Today we aren’t any less busy. Our income comes from services that are currently non-essential and so our energy is turned towards learning what resources are available to us. We’re all at home, all the time, but strangely having a completely wide-open Google calendar is creating the necessary space to process and adjust.

I’m so grateful for good weather in Charleston and the ability to finally embrace the home projects I’ve been wanting to do but never seemed to find or make time for.

Angie Mizzell

I write about motherhood, writing, redefining success, and living a life that feels like home.

The breaking point


I’m just a mom in a car trying to give a Ted Talk