The breaking point

Today I set aside some time to look at the week ahead, a Sunday ritual that I continue even though “places to go” has changed to “people to Zoom”. 😀

I also looked ahead to May and deleted calendar entries that hurt to delete.

School is officially closed for the rest of the year, and I’d been waiting to delete the concerts and performances and ceremonies and celebrations until we got the official word, which finally came last week, on Wednesday.
I was sad, but in general, doing okay.

Then on Friday, I lost it. A girl in my son’s 5th grade class had recorded a mock school news show from her bedroom and her mom posted it on social media.

That one tiny thing, of all the things, was the pin prick that caused my internal dam to break.

For weeks, I’d told myself that even though my son is missing out on his end of elementary school milestones, he’s still young and has so much life ahead of him.

But you can’t soothe sadness with logic. Even a healthy perspective, apparently, has its limits.

To be clear, my 5th grade son is far less broken up about the school year getting cut short. And these end of the year milestones make me cry anyway.

Grieving and letting go is an essential part of life. I’ve learned this lesson many times.

As I type this, the windows are open and birds are singing.

Angie Mizzell

I write about motherhood, writing, redefining success, and living a life that feels like home.

Accepting the Invitation


Adjusting to this new space